Requests for photocopying documents or borrowing books (ILL Request)

“ILL Request” means Inter Library Loan and photocopying documents delivery.
You can order documents from campuses other than the one you belong to.Also you can order documents from other universities in case the needed documents are not available in Nagasaki University’s library.


  1. For using this online service, you need to register.Please fill out the application form[PDF] and submit it for registration.[Filling example]
  2. Please check Online catalogue(OPAC) and Online journals in advance.
  3. In case the requested document is no in a domestic,it is possible to request the document or book loan from foreign libraries.
  4. For more details, please contact us.

Order step

1. Login

Login page (New page open)

  1. You can also login at OPAC page and Library homepage.
  2. 長大ID = Chodai ID is “aa+staffID” or “bb+studentID”.

2.Click “ILL request” > “Confirm/Request”

After confirming card number and user name, click “New request” button.

3. Enter order information

At first, be sure to confirm your Name,Sect and Email, and enter the document / book information in the request form.
After fill items, click “To confirmation screen”button. And conrifm order information again and click “request”button.

Then, You will get an Email written by ‘request was received’ in Japanese.

4. Receipt the document

When the document arrives, we will send you an Email.
If you select “University expense”, the document will be sent to you by university postal services.If you select “Private expense”, please come to the library to receive the document with ILL fee.

Inquiry details for each campus
Bunkyo Campus(Central Library)

095-819-2200/Ext. 2200


Sakamoto Campus(Medical Library)

095-819-7014/Ext. 8-7014


Katafuchi Campus(Economics Library)

095-820-6309/Ext. 6-222