About Databases
Databases is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows retrieval and use of data.
This page provides an available major databases in Nagasaki University.
- Select a subject from the left menu, click the banner of the database.
- Some databases allows a limited number of simultaneous users to access, be sure to log off immediately when finished.
Attention for use
- Use of electronic journals is subject to copyright laws and publisher license agreements.
- Do not redistribute of data and the systematic download using computer programs is strictly prohibited.
Remote Access Service
By clicking icon and logging in, you can use these materials off-campus. (Remote Access Service)
Please access the Remote Access Service page and enter your Nagasaki Univ. ID and password into a login form.
- Please refer to this page for the detailed CHODAI ID. ※On-campus only.
Subject List of Databases
JapanKnowledge Lib
■ Subject: Interdisciplinary
■ Source type: Full Text (Encyclopedic & Dictionary Tools, Books, Journals)
■ Campus: All
■ Simultaneous access: 2
■ Remote Access: Available →JapanKnowledge Lib is an online database of major dictionaries and encyclopaedias, as well as databases for weekly journals and books etc.
Academic OneFile
■ Subject: Interdisciplinary
■ Source type: Bibliography or Full Text (Academic journals, Magazines, Books, News, Images, Videos)
■ Campus: All
■ Simultaneous access: Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →Gale’s premier periodical resource, Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including videos from BBC Worldwide Learning to thousands of podcasts and transcripts from CNN. It includes more than 11,000 peer-reviewed journals (more than 8,000 in full text), and major reference sets including Gale Encyclopaedia of Science and Encyclopaedia of World Biography.
General OneFile
■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography or Full Text (Magazines, Academic journals, Books, News, Images, Videos)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →General OneFile is a one stop source for general interest content coming from news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics.
Journal Article
■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography, Abstract, Citation, Full Text Link
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature – scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world’s research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine social sciences and arts and humanities.
The video of “Scopus & Mendeley Online Usage Workshop” held on July 19-21, 2023 is now available.
【Video release period: until August 31, 2025】
◇ SCOPUS and Mendeley User training session(For Beginners・ENGLISH)
1.What is SCOPUS(7分58秒)
2.Basic search workflow(5分06秒)
3.Find high-impact articles(6分29秒)
4.Search for authors(2分59秒)
5.Check journal metrics(9分18秒)
Science Direct
■ Subject:Multidisciplinary, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
■ Source type:Ejournals, Ebooks
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →ScienceDirect is the E-journal and E-book collections produced by Elsevier.
- ■ Subject: Health & Medicine, Science & Technology, Psychology
■ Source type:Bibliography, Abstract, Full Text (or Full Text Link)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →ProQuest is a database of full-text articles for journals.Please select databases from the list below.
Cochrane Library
- ■ Subject:Medicine
■ Source type:Bibliography, Abstract, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →Cochrane Library is a collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialties provided by the Cochrane Collaboration and other organisations.
- ■ Subject:Medicine, Biology
■ Source type:Bibliography, Abstract, Full Text Link
■ Campus: All
■ Simultaneous access: Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available (Free Access)PubMed is a free database accessing the MEDLINE database of citations, abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics, and include a link to the full-text.
★Please use exclusive PubMed URL of Nagasaki University.
By accessing PubMed through exclusive URL for Nagasaki University, you will be available to e-journal from search results. Those users accessing PubMed from the general “” URL will not benefit from the Library’s LinkOut feature.
Exclusive URL:
When you access to the full text, click the following icon in search results.
- ■ Subject:Arts and Humanities
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →JSTOR provides access to academic journal articles.
Collections available at Nagasaki University:
■ Arts & Sciences I Collection
This collection includes core journals in economics, history, political science, sociology, and humanities & social sciences.■ Arts & Sciences II Collection
This collection includes core journals in economics, history, archaeology, classics, and areas studies (Latin American, Middle Eastern, Slavic, African, and Asian).■ Arts & Sciences III Collection
This collection includes core journals in language & literature, music, film studies, folklore, performing arts, religion, art & art history, and architecture & architectural history.
- ■ Subject:Law
■ Source type:Laws, Precedents, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →
●From November 1, 2023, the authentication changed to the 【学認 GakuNin】 from both on-campus and off-campus. (Login with your Chodai ID and password)
●You will be required to enter your name and e-mail address for the first time only.
This database covers legal resources and public records information.
- ■ Subject:Nuclear Science and Technology
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: UnavailableInternational Nuclear Information System(INIS) is a bibliographic database devoted to the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. INIS is operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with its Member States and co-operating international organizations.
- ■ Subject:Mathematical sciences
■ Source type:Bibliography, Reviews, research results, Full Text Link
■ Campus:Bunkyo campus only
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: UnavailableMathSciNet is a database provided by the AMS (American Mathematical Society).
Journal Article (Japanese)
CiNii Research
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography, research results, Full Text Link
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available(Free Access)“CiNii Research” is the largest academic information search service in Japan. It allows users to search not only for research results and articles registered in the public infrastructure but also for books, research data, researchers who produced those results, and information on research projects.
- ■ Subject:Medicine, Life Science, Biology, Pharmacy
■ Source type:Bibliography, Abstract, Citation, Full Text (or Full Text Link)
■ Campus:Bunkyo campus and Sakamoto campus only
■ Simultaneous access:9
■ Remote Access: Unavailable“Ichushi-Web” is an exhaustive collection of Japanese biomedical literature. Data in the “Ichushi-Web” are collected from a wide range of sources, such as journals published by academic societies, professional journals published by medical publishers, bulletins released by schools, and research reports published by public and private organizations and institutions.
★Igaku chuo zasshi vol.1(1903) ~ vol.410(1983) provided by the digital archives of the National Diet Library. (Japanese Only)
Medical Online
- ■ Subject:Medicine, Life Science, Biology, Pharmacy
■ Source type:Bibliography, Abstract, Full Text (or Full Text Link)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access: Available →“Medical Online” is a fulltext database of medical journals published in Japan. This collection contains more than 1,600 journal titles.
※ Do not redistribute of data and the systematic download using computer programs is strictly prohibited.
Saishin kango sakuin Web
- ■ Subject:Nursing, Medicine
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text (or Full Text Link)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:3
■ Remote Access: Available →“Saishin Kango Sakuin Web” is a database for journal articles about nursing and other healthcare specialties.
Access to the full text of “Nihon Kango Gakkai Ronbunsyu” journal is also available.
Nikkei Telecom
- ■ Subject:Economics
■ Source type:Company Information
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:5
■ Remote Access: Unavailable“Nikkei Telecom” is a database of economic field presented by Nihon Keizai Shimbun digital media Co.
Westlaw Japan
- ■ Subject:Law
■ Source type:Laws, Precedents, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:50
■ Remote Access: Available →〈Westlaw Japan〉 product is comprehensive Japanese legal online service with innovative features by combining unique database technologies of Thomson Reuters and Westlaw, as well as legislation and cases contents of Shinnippon Hoki Shuppan.
- ■ Subject:Economics
■ Source type:Company Information
■ Campus:Katafuchi campus only
■ Simultaneous access:2
■ Remote Access: Unavailableeol is a source of databases that provide company information (with some records going back as far as 1961) mainly concerning Japanese domestic listed companies.
【List of Contents】
●Company Attribution Information
Company basic information, latest Yuho direct link, earnings (consolidated basis), financial status and cash flow (consolidated basis), history of company information, and other benchmarks
●Market Information
Stock price information, IPO (initial public offering) information, stock issue information, Nikkei stock average, foreign exchange
●Financial Information (dating back to as long ago as 1989)
Macro analysis data (summarized financial statements), microanalysis data (full financial statements)
●Original Data (dating back to as long ago as 1961)
Disclosure material based on Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Stock exchange disclosure documents, Press releases
The Japan Institute of International Affairs
- ■ Subject:International Affairs
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:5
■ Remote Access: Available →A database of international affairs, Japanese text only.
And an online journal ‘Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)’ are also available.
Chiho Jichi Kankei Shiryo 1974-2015
- ■ Subject:Local Government
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA database for the materials of The Japan Research Institute for Local Government (Chiho Jichi Sogo Kenkyujo), Japanese text only.
中国学術輯刊 CCJD :CNKI 中国学術情報データベース
- ■ Subject:Literature, History, Philosophy, Education, Social Science
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus: All
■ Simultaneous access: 3
■ Remote Access:UnavailableCNKI is the largest scientific literature on-line service in China. 中国学術輯刊 @ CCJD is available for the following fields.
・JD-F 文学・歴史・哲学
・JD-H 教育・社会科学総合
・JD-G 政治軍事法律
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available(Free Access)Nagasaki University’s Academic Output SITE (NAOSITE) is the Nagasaki University’s Institutional Repository.
NAOSITE provides and stores the collections of bulletins, dissertations, publications, technical papers, and presentations, which are made by researchers belonging to the Nagasaki University, as a digital library.
Every item is accessible for free. No registration is required.
Doctoral Dissertation
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available(Free Access)Nagasaki University’s Academic Output SITE (NAOSITE) is the Nagasaki University’s Institutional Repository.
NAOSITE provides and stores the collections of bulletins, dissertations, publications, technical papers, and presentations, which are made by researchers belonging to the Nagasaki University, as a digital library.
Every item is accessible for free. No registration is required.
CiNii Dissertations
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text Link
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available(Free Access)CiNii Dissertations is a database service that lets you search for information on dissertations written for doctoral degrees in Japan conferred by Japanese Universities and the National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation.
The search function uniformly covers dissertations made available in repositories of universities and other academic institutions in Japan as well as those archived in the National Diet Library.
Dictionary, Encyclopedia
JapanKnowledge Lib
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Full Text (Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Reference compilations, and Periodical resources)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:2
■ Remote Access:Available →JapanKnowledge Lib is an online web archive that boasts the largest corpus of encyclopedia, dictionaries, reference compilations, and periodical resources (approximately 50 different sources) in Japan.
●Encyclopedia- Complete Japanese Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia Nipponica)
- Sekai Daihyakkajiten (Heibonsha’s World Encyclopedia)
- Encyclopedia of Japan
- Digital Dai-ji-sen Japanese Dictionary
- Shogakukan Unabridged Dictionary of the Japanese Language etc..
- Encyclopedia of Japanese History
- Encyclopedia of Japanese Historical Place Names etc..
- Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary
- Shogakukan Progressive English-Japanese Dictionary (5th Edition) etc..
and many others
Oxford Research Encyclopedias
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:可 →A digital encyclopedia developed by Oxford University. Please select module from the list below.
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online
- ■ Subject:Humanities
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) is the first and only comprehensive reference work devoted to the Bible and its reception.
Volumes 1 to 20 are available.
Person information
JapanKnowledge Lib
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Full Text (Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Reference compilations, and Periodical resources)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:2
■ Remote Access:Available →JapanKnowledge Lib is an online web archive that boasts the largest corpus of encyclopedia, dictionaries, reference compilations, and periodical resources (approximately 50 different sources) in Japan.
- The Biographical Dictionary of Japan
- Dictionary of Japanese Fictional and Legendary Characters (New Edition)
- Bibliography of Japanese Biographies
Nikkei Telecom
- ■ Subject:Economics
■ Source type:Full Text (Person Information)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:5
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA newspaper database for Nihon Keizai Shinbun. Includes contents of 210,000 person information on 5,100 companies and central government office, economy, trade group, Diet member. In addition, the company information of main 30,000 companies are also searchable.
Yomiuri Shimbun
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:1
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA newspaper database for Yomiuri Shinbun. It includes contents of person information of Japanese and international key persons (including some deceased).
Newspapers Article
Asahi Shimbun
- ■ Subject:Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:2
■ Remote Access:Available →A newspaper database for Asahi Shinbun from 1985 to the present. Two weekly magazines, Aera and Shu-kan Asahi, and an annual new-word dictionary Chiezo, and The Asahi Shimbun reduced-size collective edition(1945-1999)are also available.
Yomiuri Shimbun
- ■ Subject:Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:1
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA newspaper database for Yomiuri Shinbun from 1874 to the present.
■ 読売新聞 (1874-present)
■ The Japan News(1989-present)
■ 現代人名録
Nikkei Telecom
- ■ Subject:Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:5
■ Remote Access:UnavailableThe Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Nikkei industry newspaper, Nikkei MJ( circulation newspaper), Nikkei finance newspaper are available for the past 30 years. In addition, A newsflash and company information and person information are also available.
Nishinippon Shimbun
- ■ Subject:Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:1
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA newspaper database for Nishinippon Shimbun from 1989 to the present.
Nagasaki Shimbun (Nikkei Telecom)
- ■ Subject:Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:5
■ Remote Access:UnavailableIt is available to search Nagasaki Shimbun articles from July 10, 1999 to the present.
Ryukyu Shimpo
- ■ Subject:Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:1
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA newspaper database for Ryukyu Shimpo from 1998 to the present.
Reference Manager
EndNote Basic
- ■ Subject:Reference Manager
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available → See[Read More]EndNote Basic is a web-based bibliographic tool provided by Thomson Reuters that can help you manage and streamline your research.
★Before using EndNote Basic for the first time, you need to register your account within the IP address range of Nagasaki University.
After your account has been established you can access from off-campus.
Please access the registration page and enter required information.
You will need to login at on-campus once every 12 months.
- ■ Subject:Reference Manager
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available(Free Access)Mendeley is a free reference manager. You manage citations and PDFs using a desktop client or through your account on
Mendeley also includes plugins for Word or OpenOffice, so you can easily create citations and/or bibliographies as you write your papers.★Before using Mendeley for the first time, you need to register your account. Please access the registration page and enter required information.
Others (Medical)
Today’s Diagnosis and Treatment WEB
- ■ Subject:Medicine, Life Science, Biology, Pharmacy
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:5
■ Remote Access:Available →A database for the healthcare workers, Japanese text only. You can easily search the information about the most effective treatments based on the latest results of research.
Vsible Body
- ■ Subject:Medicine
■ Source type:3D models, Animations, Quizzes, Augmented Reality, and more.
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →Visible Body is application for human anatomy, including interactive anatomy models and 3D physiology animations and so on.
Current Decision Support
- ■ Subject:Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy
■ Source type:Medical information
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →A database for Medical information, Japanese text only.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
- ■ Subject:Natural sciences, Social sciences
■ Source type:Information about academic journals(including Impact Factors)
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides information about academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences, including impact factors.
Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year.
CAS SciFinder®
- ■ Subject:Chemistry and related information
■ Source type:Chemical substances, Reactions and Literature references
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →CAS SciFinder® is a research discovery databases that contain literature from many scientific disciplines including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more.
Before using CAS SciFinder® Web for the first time, you need to register for an account.
Please access the registration page and enter required information and specify a username and password.
You must input an e-mail address with “” e-mail domain.
Kanpou information search service
- ■ Subject:the Kanpo (the official gazette of the Japanese government)
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:1
■ Remote Access:Unavailable
Prefectural Statistics Online
- ■ Subject:Japanese Prefectural Statistics
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:UnavailableA database for the materials about prefectural statistics, Japanese text only.
Adam Matthew
- ■ Subject:Humanities, Social Sciences
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →Adam Matthew publishes unique primary source collections from archives around the world.
Nagasaki University has access to the following Adam Matthew collections.- China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793-1980
- East India Company(Module 3)
- Empire Online
- Meiji Japan: The Edward Sylvester Morse Collection
- Migration to New Worlds(Module 1: The Century of Immigration)(Module 2: The Modern Era)
- AM Scholar: Area Studies: China and Southeast Asia
- AM Scholar: Area Studies: Japan
- AM Scholar: Empire Studies
- AM Scholar: Missionary Studies
- ■ Subject:House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
■ Source type:Bibliography, Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →A collection of databases providing access to Bills, Command Papers and House of Commons Papers printed between 1688 and the 2004 session.
- ■ Subject:Humanities, Social Sciences
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) is a multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. You can use the following archives from 12 types of archives.
- Religion, Reform, and Society
Wiley Digital Archives
- ■ Subject:Humanities
■ Source type:Administrative Records, Pamphlets, Reports, Proceedings, Periodicals, and so on
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →Wiley Digital Archives is a continuous program of new databases comprised of unique or rare historical primary sources, digitized from leading societies, libraries, and archives around the world, and made accessible in ways that tie directly to research outcomes and educational goals. All Archives are cross-searchable, and contain tools for searching, browsing, analyzing and visualizing primary source content.
Nagasaki University has access to the following Wiley Digital Archives collections.
Brill Online Primary Sources: Asian Studies
- ■ Subject:Humanities, Social Sciences, Newspaper Articles
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:UnavailableThis is an electronic database of historical English-language newspapers and magazines published in Japan (including Manchuria) for foreigners in the 20th century (WWII era).
The following titles are available at Nagasaki University.
Oxford Bibliographies
- ■ Subject:Interdisciplinary
■ Source type:Bibliography
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available →Oxford Bibliographies is comprehensive database of expert knowledge by Oxford University Press.
It delivers selective guides to the most important scholarly and scientific literature in major fields of study.availabled modules
African American Studies
■ African Studies
■ American Literature
■ Anthropology
■ Art History
■ Chinese Studies
■ Cinema and Media Studies
■ Communication
■ Criminology
■ Ecology
■ Education
■ Environmental Science
■ Evolutionary Biology
■ Geography
■ International Law
■ International Relations
■ Islamic Studies
■ Linguistics
■ Literary and Critical Theory
■ Philosophy
■ Political Science
■ Psychology
■ Public Health
■ Sociology
■ Urban Studies
Shinpen Kokka Taikan
- ■ Subject:Japanese literature
■ Source type:Full Text
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:2
■ Remote Access:Available →Shinpen Kokka Taikan is encyclopedia of Japanese Waka poetry .
- ■ Subject:Research performance analytics
■ Source type:Research performance analytics tool
■ Campus:All
■ Simultaneous access:Unlimited
■ Remote Access:Available(User registration is required)nCites is a tool for analyzing research achievements based on research articles and their citation information.
It is created based on the data of Web of Science.※How about use → Academic Supprit Office, Nagasaki University(Japanese)